Thursday, November 8, 2012

Are you thirsty for water?

                Odds are you’re viewing this blog on a computer.  Have you ever stopped to consider what was required to make your computer?  It takes a lot of water to produce a computer, so much that you could do 70 loads of laundry with the amount used on your computer.  Ten gallons alone is required to make the small processor that does all the work on your computer.  Your processor works as the “brain” of your computer that uses instructions from a program to perform a certain task.   The processor, therefore, requires lots of water to make relative to the size.   As everyone wants the latest gadget, our water usage has increased over time.
                We use water daily, from brushing our teeth and cooking to using computers and driving cars.  Our demand for products such as food, clothing, and electronics uses vast amounts of water to produce these for consumption.  With the recent drought in Nebraska and global water shortages, Americans need to understand how to reduce their water usage both personally and economically such as factory water usage.
                Five unexpected high water use products:
  • The average car uses enough water in production of the steel and plastic used to make the car to fill 800 bathtubs or about 40,000 gallons.
  • A plastic water bottle uses 1.85 gallons of water to make, more water than the bottle actually contains.
  • A pound of beef needs 4,000-18,000 gallons of water. Most of the water goes to growing food and water for the cow.
  • A 100% cotton shirt and jeans uses a combined total of 2,500 gallons of water to grow the cotton and dye the fabric.
  • Each latte consumed uses 53 gallons of water to grow the coffee beans, make the plastic lid, and produce the cup and sleeve.

Americans need to be more aware of their water usage if we are to reduce national and global water usage.  In 2012, the global population passes seven billion people and continues to grow. Competition for fresh water will also increase, especially in drier areas of the world.  America, one of the most wasteful countries in the world, must take the initiative to reduce water usage for a greener future.

Four innovative possibilities to lower water usage:
  • Purchase a water efficient washer rated by Energy Star
  •  Use reusable water bottles to prevent water from being wasted on plastic bottles
  •  Behavioral changes to our daily routines, such as shorter showers and turning off the water when brushing.  Simple behavior changes by people can have a huge impact on reducing water usage.
  •  Mulching a garden retains moisture better and keeps soil cooler during the summer.

U.S Geological Survey Water School

Photo Credits

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